Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Dr. Paul Cullen, PI
B.S. University of Illinois
PhD, Washington University
Postdoc, University of Oregon

Training Philosophy
I am currently training four PhD students in my laboratory. The students are learning to become independent scientists. They each have an independent project or projects, which correspond to the aims of the active research grant proposals. Depending on their projects, students learn a variety of techniques in the areas of cell and molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, and genome-wide data analysis. The development of new techniques is highly encouraged. Through regular meetings, group meetings, and informal chats, I help keep students focused on their projects, and help them to make the best decisions going forward. We use question-based approaches infused with logical assumptions and try to incorporate cost-benefit analyses. We also have an exploratory bent that leaves us open to discoveries we do not expect. Students attend regional, national, and in some cases international meetings to present their work. Students also attend journal clubs and are encouraged to read the literature and interact with other students in our department and other departments. Students write their own papers with my help. Through this dynamic, open, and interactive training environment, students become highly trained in preparation towards independence. I have previously trained 6 PhD students in the lab who have gone on to careers in academic and industrial settings. I have also trained 3 postdoctoral students, 4 Master’s students, and more than 30 undergraduate students.
We encourage qualified postdocs, PhD, MS, MA and undergraduate students who are interested in our research to contact me about learning more about our work.
The Cullen Lab supports and upholds equal opportunity practices and inclusion. In line with UB's policies and the laws of New York State, we support and promote diversity in all forms including race, gender, age and religion.
Current Members

Jacky Chow
PhD Student
Hails from San Francisco California

Sukanya Basu
PhD Student
M.S. Boston University

Aditi Prabhakar
PhD Student
M.S. Leeds University

Amit Mehrotra
Undergraduate Student

Jeff Wicks and Ludia Pack
Undergraduate students from the University of Rochester
Previous Laboratory Members
Post-doctoral Students
Darpan Saraswat (2016)
Barbara Birkaya (2009-2010)
Rufeng Xu-Friedman (2007)
PhD Students
Hema Adhikari PhD 9/2015
Postdoctoral Fellow Duke University
Lauren Caccamise PhD 7/2015
M L Caccamise Electric Corp
Colin Chavel PhD 9/2014
Postdoctoral Fellow Roswell Park
Sheelarani Karunanithi PhD 5/2012
Postdoctoral Fellow Case Western Reserve
Andy Pitoniak PhD 5/2011
Faculty at Jamestown Community College
Nadia Vadaie PhD 2/2011
Postdoctoral Fellow UCLA
M.S. Students
Marysa Notaro MS 2017 (co-PI with Steve Free)
Boyang Li MS 2015
Tanaya Pande MS 2015
Mahbuba Meem MS 2011
Jyoti Joshi MS 5/2010
Nicole Grassi MA 5/2010
Undergraduate Students
Jeff Wicks 5/17-Present
visiting student from the University of Rochester
Ludia Pack 5/17-Present
visiting student from the University of Rochester
Shally Lin 9/16-Present
Jenn Somboonthum 6/2015-9/2016
Lauren Hartley 9/2015-12/2015
Hussain Odeh 9/2015-6/2016
Amit Mehrotra 1/23/16-Present
McCroskey Fellow
Afhreen Siquiqqi 9/2014-12/2015
Matthew Fenigstein 9/2014-1/2015
Morgan Dressler 1/2014-6/2014
Cynthia Mgbeojirikwe 6/2013-1/2014
Javier (Omar) Muniz 6/2014-9/2014
iSEED program
Ummi Abdullah 1/2006-8/2009
CURCA 2008
Emmojaffe Ajajagbor 1/2009-8/2009
NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation 2009
Parth Prikash 1/2009-6/2009
Diawoye Camara 9/2009-6/2013
Mike Shanellenberger 1/2010-6/2010
Lila Bilallai 1/2010-6/2010
Allison Connelly 9/2012-5/2013
Kiran Garg 7/2013-8/2013
High School Student
Ahmed Elbaneth 9/2012-1/2013
Brandon Zawacki 1/2013-6/2013
Allen Zhou 1/2013-5/2013
Suzy Boulet 5/2013 – 12/2013
Unnati Dev 1/2010-8/2012
CURCA Award for Unnati Dev 2011
Rachel Glock 9/2011-1/2012
Justin Shiner 9/2011-1/2012
Kaitlin Verni 9/2011-1/2012
Amanda Ruby 9/2011-1/2012
Michael Bemtley 9/2011-4/2012
Jeremy Smith 7/2010-6/2011
Rachel Weigand 6/2011-9/2011
Visiting from Xaiver University
James Shunk 1/2010-6/2010
Seth Nickerson (Honors) 7/2005-6/2007
Phil Miles Undergraduate Research Fund 2005 Seth Nickerson
Julia Eron 1/2007-6/2007
Megan Noyes 1/2007-6/2007
Michelle Im 8/2007-12/2007
Elizabeth Kish 1/2007-8/2007
Minkyung Park 9/2005-6/2006
Darowan Akajagbor 9/2004-1/2006
NSF Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation 2004-2005
Alice Yu 10/2004-1/2005
Rena Malik 9/2004-1/2005